Tuesday, May 29, 2007

STH will be even more EXTRA special!

Recently heard from a representative from Hart Sharp Video and a long with the previously mentioned commentary from Bryce and Mark on the first two episodes and a "making of", we can also look forward to a gag reel (supposed to be pretty funny), a large amount of dailies and more photos and possible other extras. They are also trying to get permission to reprint some articles on Mark that appeared over the past few years.

All in all, this is shaping up to be an excellent release for fans of the show. This is great news. In the past, THE CROW and DVD have been synonymous with disappointment. Perhaps that tide is turning.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Petition for The Crow "Author's Edition"

Hey folks, some news NOT related to the upcoming STH release on DVD for you. Fellow fan John Thomas has put together a petition to get O'Barr to finish the long rumored, but never realized THE CROW "AUTHOR'S EDITION" graphic novel completed. This has long been mentioned by O'Barr himself as a work in progress but there has never seemed to be much in the way of progress. We have featured extra pages on ABaHB that would encompass such a re-release of the original graphic novel. Go out to the petition and sign it. Perhaps if O'Barr sees the interest is there he can find a publisher for it.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Commentary completed for STH

Bryce Zabel reports in his latest blog that the commentary track featuring he and Mark Dacasos has been completed. We are looking foward to hearing this commentary when the THE CROW: STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN complete series is available July 24th. You can pre-order the set from Amazon.

Friday, May 11, 2007

STH update

After a bit of touch and go there, all is going forward with Bryce Zabel and Mark Dacascos' involvement with the upcoming region 1 release of THE CROW: STAIRWAY to HEAVEN boxed set. Yesterday, Bryce and Mark got together for a commentary track that will be featured on the set. Thanks to everyone that voiced their support for this to Hart Sharp Video, who as I said, are all about giving us a quality product. I can't wait to get the set and hear the commentary track. Bryce is also supplying a behind the scenes feature for the release.

You can go here to read Bryce's latest blog entry and you can go here for the updated advertisement from Hart Sharp Video.

Rochelle Davis update

As you know, we have followed the recent troubles that Rochelle Davis (real name Andrea Ruano) has endured since Oct 26th, 2006. The upshot of everything, given all of the charges that were being leveled at her (I saw the transcript and it read like a laundry list from hell), she ended up only being charged with conspiracy and child endangerment. These were far lessor charges than what she could have seen thrown at her.

Recently, Frank spoke to Rochelle's manager Jaine Flanagan. By her own account, Jaine has been more of a friend than a manager to Rochelle over the last 10 years. Jaine reports that Rochelle suffered a great deal after Brandon's death. They had become close friends and Rochelle described herself as one of Brandon's biggest fans. According to Jaine, Rochelle had a hard time after the accident auditioning for other parts. Her heart just was not into it. Though things came to a head on October 26th of last year with her arrest, Rochelle had other challenges that she had endured since her last acting job on The Crow. Finally, it was a lack in judgement which cost her dearly when the people whom she had become friends with turned out to be some pretty unsavory characters. She has learned a valuable lesson through the course of the events that have transpired over the last 8 months.

Will she act ever again? Who knows. Right now, she is just trying to get her life back on track for her and her son Destin. We hope that she will feel up to talking with fans in the coming months. I know that she is loved by the fan base and everyone is pulling for her to get back on her feet. When I was visiting with Robert Zuckerman he mentioned how much he would love to reach out to her now. I hope she knows how much she is loved, by those who know her and by those who have never met her. We are all a family and when one of your family hurts, everyone hurts.

I pray for nothing but the best for Rochelle and Destin.

Take care & God bless

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Hold those negative DVD reports for STH!!!!!

Great news to report. After speaking with reps from Hart Sharp Video, the door has not been totally closed on the extras and who will be involved with the set. If all works out, Bryce and Mark will be participating in the DVD release of THE CROW: STAIRWAY to HEAVEN. This is great news for fans as we know how much Bryce put into the series and how much he was open to the fans. I think it speaks volumes that a DVD company is interested in a quality product first and I feel very confident that Hart Sharp Video is dedicated to giving us the best possible release of STH on DVD.

At any rate, we will keep you updated on the release.

Frank took a trip today that I know everyone is going to be interested in hearing about. We will have his report and pictures soon, so be looking forward to that.

DVD release of STH going to be less than stellar

Folks, I got word from Bryce Zabel that neither he or Mark have been contacted about their involvement with the DVD. Whats more, it would seem Bryce will not have any input to the DVD and we will be given a less than stellar release. I can't begin to put into words my disappointment in this news. The franchise as a whole just seems to be getting crapped on at every turn. I will not go down without a fight however. The director of marketing for the dvd, Marylou Bono, needs to be contacted by us and told how we feel about them releasing the series on DVD in this fashion. We need to be intelligent in our emails to her, don't send her a mindless rant. We need to let her know what this series means to us and the lack of involvement of Bryce and Mark is inconceivable. Here is the email address: marylou.bono@hartsharpvideo.com .

Here is an article that Bryce has posted. He goes on to talk about how the latest promotion article by Hart Sharp Video makes several typographical and content blunders, the most telling, the misspelling of Mark's first and last name as well as a ludicrous synopsis that totally misses the point of the series all together. This screams loudly that they don't care about this release and are basically throwing it out there. If they can't get the basics right, how are we to trust them with the most important content of all, the episodes themself?

Time to wake up folks, I have been saying we need to get more involved in this franchise. Now is the time for fans of the series to not sit back and take what we are given.